What state is high in the middle, and round on both sides? O-hi-o, of course! Hahaha. I've been telling that joke for years, and must have made it up because noone else has ever seemed to have heard it.
Anyways.... still getting to know the place, slowly. The 'no handguns' sign on the door of a cell phone store was alarming, but many of the people I've met have been friendly, and the restaraunts I've visited have all had excellent service.
Hoover Dam, next right? Am I really that lost?!
My home base is still Easton Town Center, so this humongous upscale shopping complex is probably not giving me the real Ohio. I did eat at a fun, family friendly place called Hoggy's, and hopefully this place is more indicative of the times to be had here in Columbus.
No, that's not MY Mini, though it looks like it. But hey, THAT guy just shouldn't have been driving!
Have seen some farmland, and some nice parks, and have been reading about the history of the area, and the things to do downtown. Apparently the German villiage has a book store that's 32 rooms of books! Sounds like a place to visit! There's also the world famous Zoo, and the Indian Caverns, and all kinds of things yet to explore.
But first a nap... I've caught a darn cold!
JOHN :0)
Abuelo's... a really nice place to eat in Easton Town Crossing.
"There's also the world famous Zoo"
Would that be one of those 'World Famous only in America' type things...such as the Baseball World Series? I only ask because I've never actually heard of it. We have an advert on one of our local trams like that. It reads : 'Visit the World Famous Fleetwood Market'. Somehow I suspect it might be exagerating a bit.
Dear Mr. SmartyPants...
The dictionary of American Slang, Thought, and Rhetoric states that "a person, place, or thing can be deemed world famous if it can claim BOTH of the following: 1) Has been featured on National (American) Television, and 2) Has been photographed by Japanese Tourists. So there.
Actually, The Columbus Zoo is quite famous, possibly world wide, but after a day or two of driving in this city, the whole place is a zoo, if you ask me! And I thought new Jersey drivers were bad!
Sheesh... I better quit before I get a third state mad at me. :0)
Cheers, JOHN :0)
PS Brian, are you the only one reading this blog?
Right at this moment in time, in this particular room in my house, that might well be the case (although the cat's making a valient attempt to read it as well). Beyond that, I couldn't honestly say.
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